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Our mission is to be recognized by our customers as the best consulting firm in the pricing area, as well as to hold the respect we gained of teachers and partners in the Professional Pricing Society and leading universities in Brazil and abroad.

To achieve these goals, all efforts are made to attract people with high potential, train them and develop them continuously. We believe that our focus on pricing is essential to the quality of our projects, because it is not possible to have excellence in everything.

Frederico Zornig – Founding Partner

Frederico Zornig is the founding partner of QuantiZ Pricing Solutions and has over 25 years of international professional experience.

In his professional career, he worked in the areas of mass-consumption goods and medical-hospital products, where he held several positions, the last being Business Director (sales and marketing) for Johnson & Johnson Latin America. When he worked at Jonhson & Jonhson, he participated in the global pricing project between 2001 and 2002, which was implemented in Brazil and recognized as one of the best Six Sigma projects of the company in 2002.

In 2006, he founded the QuantiZ Pricing Solutions with the purpose of disseminating and developing the pricing matter with companies in Brazil, where he has led more than 40 projects in several national and multinational companies. Currently, in addition to consulting projects with his partners, he conducts executive training programs and gives lectures in companies and universities in Brazil and abroad. He taught pricing for some MBA and PEC courses in Fundação Getúlio Vargas in São Paulo (FGV/SP) between 2007 and 2011, and again in 2015 at the same school. He is a frequent speaker of the Annual Pricing Conference, organized by the Professional Pricing Society in the US and Europe, and has presented pricing-related works in other international events in Asia, Europe and Latin America.

He has certifications of Customer Value Modeler TM (CVM TM), Change Agent in Pricing TM (CAP TM) and Six Sigma Black Belt since August/2001. He also publishes scientific articles of general interest about pricing, six sigma and segmentation, in addition to his book “Acerte o Preço e Aumente Seus Lucros” published by Editora Nobel in 2007.

He is a doctoral student at ISM Paris together with St. John’s University in New York, MBA from the University of Illinois and is a chemical engineer graduated from UNICAMP.


Marcelo Krybus

Graduated in Production Engineering from Mackenzie University, he has developed pricing projects in sectors such as education, hygiene and personal care, consumption goods, telecom, chemicals and lighting in Central America. He worked at Grupo Ultra and is certified as a pricing professional (CPP – Certified Pricing Professional) by the Professional Pricing Society, Customer Value Modeler (CVM) and Change Agent in Pricing (CAP).

Marcelo Krybus

Partner Manager

Tiago Martin

Partner since February 2014, worked in projects in big companies in Brazil, Latin America and Mexico, in sectors such as hygiene and personal care, consumption goods, lighting, flooring, ceramic tile, retail, lubricants. Developed and implemented solutions such as commercial policy, sales tools support, channel strategic pricing, segmentation and elasticity analysis. Before becoming a partner at Quantiz he worked at Telefônica – Vivo, Lindenberg Group and América Latina Logística. Graduated in Business Administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas – FGV-EAESP, certified as a pricing professional (CPP Certified Pricing Professional) by the Professional Pricing Society, Customer Value Modeler (CVM) and Change Agent in Pricing (CAP).

Tiago Martin

Partner Manager

Anderson Correia

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University Anhanguera and MA student of Industrial Processes at the Technological Research Institute, he works with business consulting since 2013, with projects focused on allocation of sales force, customer segmentation, pricing strategy, network design, reduction of costs and business intelligence. Specialized in data analysis and mathematical modeling with focus on operational research applications for decision-making. In process of certification by the Pricing Society (CPP – Certified Pricing Professional).

Anderson Correia

Partner Consultant

Marina Nicodemo

Graduated in Business Administration from the Fundação Getulio Vargas – FGV / EAESP, she attended an Entrepreneurship program at Babson College in Massachusetts – United States, worked in the Business Management area at HSBC Brasil and worked as business consultant in multinational companies and investment banks by the Management Solutions firm. Certified as a pricing professional (CPP – Certified Pricing Professional) by the Professional Pricing Society.

Marina Nicodemo

Partner Consultant

Eduardo Braga

Graduated in Materials Engineering from Centro Universitário FEI and specialization in pricing from Insper. Has experience in large companies in the Steelmaking and Education sectors. In Pricing, he contributed with the definition of prices and regionalized discount policy, definition of the competitive mapping arena and price positioning and in the management of indicators to assess the effectiveness of the Pricing actions.

Eduardo Braga


Fabio Cutrale

Graduated in Business Administration with a focus on marketing at Mackenzie Presbiteryan University, he has experience in Pricing since 2015, he has work in large companies in the automotive, steel and retail segments, developing specific projects and structuring the area. Has extension in statistics Applied by Labdata-FIA and proficiency in English certified by Bond University Australia.

Fabio Cutrale


Fábio Vakuda

Graduated in Economics from Insper with an Entrepreneurship certificate from the same university. He has experience in the back and front office of Wealth Management in the financial market. He was also part of the Revenue Management team of Gol Airlines, dealing with pricing optimization, bid price, demand forecast, transfer price and award program.

Fábio Vakuda


Lorrane Fattobene

Graduated in Economics from University of Sao Paulo (USP) with exchange program in Canada, at University Laval. Specialized in Data Science from Mackenzie University. She has experience in large companies in health and transport industries. In Pricing, she worked mainly in price setting for B2B key accounts (BIDs) and price optimization / demand forecasting projects.

Lorrane Fattobene


Wellington Kadooka

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Mackenzie University. He has around 10 years of experience of Pricing whose obtained working with great companies, such as: Grupo Pão de Açúcar, Suzano Papel e Celulose, TNT (Freight shared Market) and Direct (Now B2W). All of them in the Pricing and Revenue Management teams. At Quantiz he developed projects in sectors such as Agribusiness, Construction, Aesthetics, Education, Warehousing and consumption goods. He has an extension in statistical and mathematical modelling applied to Big Data and is certified as a pricing professional (CPP – Certified Pricing Professional) by the Professional Pricing Society.

Wellington Kadooka


Anne Steel

Graduated in Business Administration and an MBA from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas/SP, she previously worked at Accenture. She is responsible for the administrative area of the company.

Anne Steel


    Tel: +55 11 3040-3030

    SEDE ADMINISTRATIVA:      R. Guilherme Bannitz, 126 Conj. 21 – São Paulo/SP CEP 04532-060

    CENTRO TREINAMENTO E ATENDIMENTO A CLIENTE: R. Amaro Cavalheiro, 347 Conj. 2001 – São Paulo/SP CEP: 05425-011


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