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Due to the increasing importance of a strategic price management and to the complexity that this process demands, in 2006, I decided to leave my position as Business Director in Johnson & Johnson Latin America to create QuantiZ Pricing Solutions. After acting independently in the first months, I invited Anne Steel, who had experience as a consultant of the former Andersen Consulting (now Accenture).

From the very beginning, our work focus was the development of projects with major companies in various sectors, such as wholesale and retail, chemical industries, oil and gas, distribution, building material, telephony, among others. With the success we achieved in the early projects, we were hired by more customers to develop new projects in the pricing area, so we needed to increase the number of staff members, and today they are the most talented consultants, being certified (or in process of certification) by the Professional Pricing Society/EUA.

Despite our growth, we continue as a consulting firm specialized in training and price management (pricing), and the presence of our partners in all our projects remains a practice in the implementation of projects to ensure the proper seniority and knowledge transfer for our customers.

For the future, I believe that a strategic pricing will be critical to define winners and losers in an increasingly competitive environment. Price management and strategy are increasingly becoming competitive advantages for companies. For this reason, we continue to invest in professional development and sponsoring Pricing events.

Raise your profits with us!

Frederico Zornig – Founding Partner



More than 140 successful projects in Brazil and Latin America

More than 140 successful projects in Brazil and Latin America

We are a company specialized in pricing in Brazil and we have over 100 successful projects in Brazil, which provides us a deep knowledge of the Brazilian market and its peculiarities, with a list of satisfied customers. We have also developed projects in Chile, Argentina, Panama, Mexico and Colombia.

Intensive investment on Pricing training and certifications

Intensive investment on Pricing training and certifications

We believe and incessantly invest in trainings to constantly improve the knowledge and performance of our team in our projects. Through the participation in major pricing events in the world and international certifications, we keep a frequent technical update of our team.

Recommended by the Professional Pricing Society

Recommended by the Professional Pricing Society

We are the only Latin American company considered as a “Pricing Expert” by the Professional Pricing Society – PPS (entity that brings together the world’s leading pricing professionals, with main office in Atlanta, USA). Our main partner, Frederico Zornig, giver lectures in all the annual events organized by PPS in the US and Europe since 2005.

Tools customized and made available for our customers

Tools customized and made available for our customers

All materials and tools developed in the project are made available, enabling processes and analyses developed by our customer to be continued. Thus, the designed solutions can be continued and implemented even after the end of the project, in order to make the investment worth it.

Strong leadership and engagement of Frederico Zornig

Strong leadership and engagement of Frederico Zornig

One of the most respected names in pricing in Brazil and worldwide, Frederico Zornig, founding partner of QuantiZ, is today recognized as one of the leading opinion makers in the world when it comes to pricing. He weekly monitors and guides all ongoing projects and participates in person of all major meetings with our customers.

    Tel: +55 11 3040-3030

    SEDE ADMINISTRATIVA:      R. Guilherme Bannitz, 126 Conj. 21 – São Paulo/SP CEP 04532-060

    CENTRO TREINAMENTO E ATENDIMENTO A CLIENTE: R. Amaro Cavalheiro, 347 Conj. 2001 – São Paulo/SP CEP: 05425-011


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