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Companies rarely treat pricing issues with great strategic importance. Typically, prices are set by simplistic methods such as a “mark-up” on the costs or set the price based on the competitor.

QuantiZ offers expert advice according to the needs of your company. Through diagnostic methods and techniques, we identify the main pricing opportunities that, when implemented, will provide better profitability to your business. In other words, our goal is to not only provide innovative pricing solutions, but also increase your profit!

For this, we use the Six Sigma method in our projects, which gives us greater organization and control over all stages. By adopting this method, the customer has the opportunity to identify the deadline and final products of each step, as well as follow step-by-step the development of the most suitable and profitable pricing solutions for his company.

Moreover, we have the required knowledge to develop the best solutions by applying internationally recognized practices and theoretical references. Therefore, when the problem to be solved is related to pricing, we are the best company in the country, recognized by the Professional Pricing Society, the main association of pricing professionals in the world. We develop the entire work after forming a project team with executives of our customers. We do not close ourselves in a room and, after a few months of work, come out with a presentation full of recommendations. Our partners work together with our customers’ executives, which allows us to bring and develop the most appropriate solutions for each business.

To find the best pricing solution for your company, contact us to schedule a meeting so that we can understand your real needs!

Our goal is to provide practical, proven and feasible pricing solutions, encompassing several important aspects.

Browse through the topics below, clicking on the desired title (alphabetical order):

Discount Management

Price Elasticity and Demand Curves

Products and Services price differentiation

Customer Perceived Value definition

Price Strategies

Strategies for price wars

Categories Management

Profitability Key Performance Indicators

Price Research

Commercial Policies

Price Positioning

Pricing for e-commerce

Pricing for Product Lines

Product Life Cycle Pricing

Price Determination Tool

Reduction of Price Channel conflicts

Profitability-based rewards for sales team

Customer Segmentation

Market Segmentation

Yield Management

    Tel: +55 11 3040-3030

    SEDE ADMINISTRATIVA:      R. Guilherme Bannitz, 126 Conj. 21 – São Paulo/SP CEP 04532-060

    CENTRO TREINAMENTO E ATENDIMENTO A CLIENTE: R. Amaro Cavalheiro, 347 Conj. 2001 – São Paulo/SP CEP: 05425-011


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