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The Professional Pricing Society (PPS) is recognized as the main association of pricing professionals in the world. Its mission is to stimulate the growth of this discipline through the dissemination of pricing knowledge in the business world. The idea is to create a forum where highly qualified professionals can exchange information on strategies, techniques and technologies of the pricing area.

The society portal (www.pricingsociety.com) contains the latest knowledge of the pricing area, which is available to be learned, adapted and implemented in organizations around the world. In fact, by realizing the strategic importance of pricing for profitability, companies and executives will certainly be more attentive to this issue. This will be achieved when companies doing business in Latin America begin to create pricing management positions, rethinking their approaches of how prices are determined and managed. Unlike a routine task with no added value, price setting and management are the most strategic activities of any company. Usually, concerning the topic, companies can already improve their margins.

In this context, besides being present in the PPS and actively participate in their annual conferences, QuantiZ is also the only company in Latin America with the recognition of PPS. Therefore, our culture includes constant updates on all matters relating to strategies, policies, technologies and best pricing practices.



With this partnership, we are seeking for synergies by combining technical expertise and experience in various projects conducted in two different regions (Latin America and Europe). We believe that we have a lot to learn from solutions developed in mature markets, such as European, as well as from the challenges and learnings in projects developed in countries with faster growing and dynamic economies, like Brazil and other countries in Latin America.

We are always combining knowledge and solutions of pricing strategies carried out in various sectors. In addition, we are always sharing our expertise through workshops, academic publications, seminars and other means, in order to raise the level of the projects delivered to our customers.

We hope that this partnership will bring mutual benefits and that the cooperation of companies will allow our projects to bring even more success to our customers.

Team Steffenhagen Consulting was founded in 1998 as a “spin-off” of RWTH Aachen University, in Germany. The working method combines psychological factors with organizational development for a better price management by the companies.

Throughout the years, the company has been searching for specialization in Strategy, Marketing and Sales, Pricing, Leadership and Change Management. Moreover, the company has a history of important achievements in the strong German chemical industry.



FGV/SP is recognized as one of the leading educational institutions of the country and has a highly qualified teaching staff with some of the main references in their fields.

Our main partner, Frederico Zornig, works with FGV/SP by giving pricing courses offered in some MBA classes, GV-PEC (Continuing Education Program) and “In Companies”. This partnership was established through QuantiZ, which contributes to our approximation and association with the academic world.

We believe in the proximity to renowned educational institutions to expand and share knowledge in the pricing area, mainly trends, strategies and best practices.

Founded in 1944 with the initial purpose of training qualified personnel for administrative roles in Brazil’s public and private sectors, Fundação Getulio Vargas overcome the education boundaries and advanced into the research and information areas, becoming a benchmark for quality and excellence. As a pioneer in the field of education, Fundação Getulio Vargas is a reference not only by its recognized undergraduate, masters and PhD programs and applied researches, but also for its constant search for modernity and innovation.

    Tel: +55 11 3040-3030

    SEDE ADMINISTRATIVA:      R. Guilherme Bannitz, 126 Conj. 21 – São Paulo/SP CEP 04532-060

    CENTRO TREINAMENTO E ATENDIMENTO A CLIENTE: R. Amaro Cavalheiro, 347 Conj. 2001 – São Paulo/SP CEP: 05425-011


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