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Proven Method + Recognized Experience = Guaranteed Results

The price is one of the most important variables that generate profitability impacts on a business. Therefore, strategic and tactical decisions – together with a proper price management – are essential in the competitive markets of all economy sectors.

Through a pricing project developed by QuantiZ Pricing Solutions, you can expect the following benefits to your company:

  1. Sustainable increase in profitability
  2. Business strategy reflected in the commercial policy
  3. Prices defined by perceived value, not mark-up
  4. Reduction of conflicts between channels
  5. Transparency in the Commercial Policy
  6. Strategic price management
  7. Implemented Customers Segmentation
  8. Compensation of the sales team in line with company goals
  9. Price optimization providing greater value capture
  10. Structured and implemented pricing process.

    Tel: +55 11 3040-3030

    SEDE ADMINISTRATIVA:      R. Guilherme Bannitz, 126 Conj. 21 – São Paulo/SP CEP 04532-060

    CENTRO TREINAMENTO E ATENDIMENTO A CLIENTE: R. Amaro Cavalheiro, 347 Conj. 2001 – São Paulo/SP CEP: 05425-011


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